Student messages
If you need to get a message to a student please contact the office on 3480 4777.
Additionally if you come
to the office during the lunch breaks we will not be able to get your student
until their next lesson. Given our school is a large school, if you come to the
office without first contacting the school we cannot guarantee that we will be
able to get your student in a timely manner.
Leaving early - external appointments
If an external appointment is required for a student, where possible it would be best if it could be made out of school hours.
We understand that this is not always possible, so if an appointment has been made during school hours and a student needs to leave early you can give the student a note which the students brings to the office in the morning to get a pass to show the class teacher of the lesson the student is to leave.
There are times when appointments are made after a student gets to school and if this happens please ring the school office as early as possible which allows the office to get a message and pass to the student to allow them to leave the class early.
We thank you for your assistance in helping our school to run smoothly.

Appointments with staff
As our Administration and Teaching staff can be very busy with
appointments and teaching, an appointment should be made if you wish to have an
interview with any school staff.
Sick Students
If a student falls sick during school time:
- the student is NOT to use
their or anyone else’s mobile phones or the school’s email system to contact
their parents.
- the student is to let their teacher know who will give them a note to
bring to Student Services.
A phone call will be made for the student to be
picked up and the office can monitor the sick student.