Why have assessment policies?

All programs of study
include student assessment items that must be completed. Teachers use these
assessment items to make accurate judgements about each student’s demonstrated
skills and knowledge in a course of study.
The conditions under which
assessment items are completed (e.g. the due date) allow all students to
demonstrate their skills and knowledge under fair and equitable conditions.
What is assessment?
Assessment includes all
components of a course, which a teacher uses to formally evaluate a student’s
demonstrated performance in that course.
Assessment can include, but
is not limited to:
- Tests and exams
- Assignments completed in
class or at home
- Teacher observations of
work completed in class
- Practical or oral
presentations of work
Completion of course work
All students must complete
all of the course work prescribed for a course of study. If all work is not
completed one or more of the following consequences may apply:
- Credit for the semester of
study concerned may be withdrawn. This would mean that no result for the
subject would be recorded on the student’s Q.C.E. In these circumstances, O.P.
eligibility may be affected.
- Students may not be
permitted to progress to the next semester of study in the subject.
- Cancellation of enrolment
procedures may begin.
- The subject will still
appear on the student’s school report with appropriate rating and comment.
Submission of assignments
Assignments must be
submitted during the lesson of the applicable
subject on the due date.
If the applicable subject is not scheduled on the due date, the assignment must
be submitted to the appropriate Head of Department or to the office by 3pm of that
same day.
Late assessment
If an assignment is
submitted late (without prior special consideration being granted) the
assignment will be assessed and graded for feedback purposes only. The only result recorded for that assignment would be based on draft work completed by the student, in class, and evidenced by the
teacher. Computer or other technology failure is not a valid reason for late submission of assessment.
Occasionally, as a
consequence of unforeseen circumstances, special consideration for
late submission of assessment may be applied after the event, for illness,
accident or bereavement occurring on or before the day of submission.
Documentation (e.g. a medical certificate) must be provided.
What if I am absent from school on the
due date?
Absence from school on the
due date is not a valid reason for not submitting an assignment on time.
If a student is unable to attend school on the day an assignment is due he/she
must do one of the following:
- Have a parent or guardian
contact the school office and arrange delivery of the assignment to school before 10.30am.
- Send the assignment with a
friend, to be delivered to the school office by 10.30am.
- Email digital copy of
assessment to class teacher using a confirmation receipt, providing a hard copy
upon return.
If illness or injury
prevents any of the above options a parent or guardian must contact the school
office so that the information can be passed to the subject teacher and Head of
Department. A medical certificate must be provided on the student’s return to
school – see unforeseen circumstances above.
Unacknowledged copying from
other sources and/ or other students, in whole or in part, is strictly
forbidden. If plagiarism is found in an assignment, the lowest possible grade
will be awarded.
Application for special consideration
A request for
special consideration must be made through the appropriate Head of Department
and a Student Application – Special Consideration form completed. Requests
for special consideration must be made a reasonable time (i.e. when the
circumstances for special consideration arise) prior to the due date of an
assessment item.
“Special consideration is
the granting of exemption to, or the provision of special
arrangements for, students with special needs.”
Exemption - fairness to all students
and the integrity of the results reported on the Q.C.E. requires that no
student be exempted from meeting any of the substantive requirements of the
syllabus, for any reason. However, in cases of special consideration schools
may decide to exempt students from non-substantive subject requirements.
arrangements - ‘special arrangements’
refer to practical arrangements to vary the conditions under which assessment
occurs ….” (Queensland Studies Authority Policy Statement on Special
Students with special needs
may include, but are not limited to, students:
- With learning difficulties
- From non-English-speaking
- With physical or emotional
- Who are Aboriginal or
Torres Strait Islander
- Ongoing medical or
psychological issues
- Extreme family
A request for
special consideration will usually be made under the following circumstances:
- Special Arrangements - Application for
‘special arrangements’ to learning and assessment procedures for students with
‘special needs’ must be made at the commencement of the course of study.
- Extension to Assessment Due Date - Circumstances under which
an extension of time for an assessment item can be granted include only:
- extenuating personal/
family situations e.g. a family bereavement
- illness or injury
(e.g. a medical certificate) must be provided to substantiate reasons for the