Cert I in Construction, Cert II in Engineering Pathways & Year12 Engineering Skills and Cert II in Hospitality are a number of ways in which we prepare students for the workforce by providing exposure to industry current tools and machinery, building skill sets that are translatable to a range of trades an industry work positions.
Cert III Fitness, Cert III Business, Cert III Health services
- Industry-linked school based traineeships and apprenticeships providing opportunities for both tertiary and vocational students
- Nationally accredited VET Certificate courses
Information, support and work experience opportunities
Certificate II Skills for Work and Vocational Pathways
All students complete this certificate course as part of their Year 10 curriculum. When successfully completed this course gains students 4 QCE points.
Student Information
External Vocational Education Pathways
Year 10, 11 and 12 students have access to numerous study pathways at Clontarf Beach State High School. Students can combine their school studies with external Vocational Education and Training (VET) courses. These include school-based traineeships, apprenticeships, TAFE courses and other certificate courses. These courses operate one day per week (day dependant on individual circumstances) and students have the opportunity to study towards a nationally recognised qualification that is of interest and benefit to them. Please see below for current information on some courses available to students. Please note Year 10 students cannot undertake a VET course until Semester 2.

Traineeships and Apprenticeships
Current traineeship and apprenticeship vacancies are emailed out each week to students' school emails. A traineeship or apprenticeship can also be sourced by the parent/student and then organised through the school. Please contact Bel Smith – Officer Industry and Vocational Training Officer, for information regarding traineeships and apprenticeships.
Mater Education
Mater Education Health Courses information:
: https://www.matereducation.qld.edu.au/career-entry-qualifications/vetis
Aviation Australia
Other Certificate Courses
Other local and Brisbane based courses through private RTOs are available to students to participate in. Information regarding these is emailed to students as they become available. If you see an advertised course that you student might be interested in please make contact with Bel Smith to discuss if this is an option for your child.
Staff Contact:
Bel Smith - Industry and Vocational Training Officer
T: (07) 3480 4726