Our students are able to participate in a wide range of competitions, events, workshops and tournaments.

These are just some of the projects our students have taken part in during the last few years:
- International Women’s Day
- Clean Up Australia Day
- Lions Youth of the Year
- Mighty Mind Workshops
- Bullying No Way Day
- STEM Girl Power Camp
- QUT Pasifika Night
- Future Leaders program at QUT
- Halogen National Student Leaders Day
- Peninsula Respect Project
- Peninsula Music Festival
- Opti-Minds Tournament
- National Literacy and Numeracy Week
- The Duke of Edinburgh International Award
- QUOTA International Public Speaking Competition
- National Science Week
- Mueller Captains’ Breakfast
- ICAS Science Competition
- Big Science Competition
- RACI Titration
- RACI Chemistry
- UQ Sunflower Competition
- Murrumba District Mathematics Team Tournament
- Ballycara Annual Public Speaking Competition