Download a copy of the policy and agreement under Related links.
At Clontarf Beach State High technology is more than a method of retrieving information; it is a tool that facilitates the creation and sharing of knowledge, and allows differentiation in learning. Devices can include but are not limited to:
- computers, mobile phones, iPods, MP3/4 players, tablets, cameras, and GoPros.
Each family should thoroughly understand the Digital Technology Policy which is found on the school website and encourage students to follow all procedures. It is expected that students access technology at Clontarf Beach State High School as responsible users.
The Queensland Department of Education, Training and Employment deems the following to be irresponsible use and behaviour by a student:
- use the IT resources in an unlawful manner;
- download, distribute or publish offensive messages or pictures;
- insult, harass or attack others or use obscene or abusive language;
- deliberately waste printing and Internet resources;
- damage any electronic devices, printers or the network equipment;
- commit plagiarism or violate copyright laws;
- use unsupervised internet chat;
- send chain letters or Spam e-mail (junk mail);
- access 3G/4G networks during lesson time;
- knowingly download viruses or any other programs capable of breaching the Department’s networks security.
In addition to this Clontarf Beach State High School expects that:
- Users are responsible for the security, maintenance and integrity of their individually owned devices and their network accounts.
- Students using the system must not at any time attempt to access other computer devices without their permission and without them present.
- Students must not record, photograph or film any students or school personnel without the express permission of the individual/s concerned and the supervising teacher.
- Students must get permission before copying files from another user. Copying files or passwords belonging to another user without their express permission may constitute plagiarism and/or theft.
- Students need to understand copying of software, information, graphics, or other data files may violate copyright laws without warning and be subject to prosecution from agencies to enforce such copyrights.
- The school will educate students regarding cyber bullying, safe Internet and email practices and health and safety regarding the physical use of electronic devices. Students have a responsibility to behave in line with these safe practices.
- Any inappropriate material will be removed from personally owned devices before bringing the devices to school and such material will not be shared with other students.
- It is recommended families are responsible for providing their own individual insurance on privately owned electronic devices, to ensure the students always have a working device.
- Other consequence may be deemed necessary as outlined in the Clontarf Beach State High School Responsible Behaviour Plan for Students.