During Year 11 and 12 CBSHS provides the option for students to undertake an external (not operated by CBSHS) qualification as part of their Senior studies. These include traineeships, apprenticeships, university head start programs or TAFE courses.
Applications for TAFE at School courses for 2023 are now open. Students currently in Year 10 and 11 have been emailed all necessary information including the Course Guide, Pricelist and How to Apply documents. If your student is interested in combining school as well as studying a TAFE qualification course one day per week at a TAFE campus please ask them to see Bel Smith - Industry Liaison Officer in F05 PRIOR to submitting an application.
Applications will remain open until the end of the year however it is recommended to get an application in as early as possible, as some courses have limited numbers and are extremely popular. Please see this link https://issuu.com/tafebrisbane/docs/tas_guide_2023_issue-lr for information you can view from home with your student. Please contact Bel Smith at any time on bsmit874@eq.edu.au or 3480 4726 if you have any questions.