Information about The CBSHS Swimming Carnival 2024:
Redcliffe Memorial Pool, 50 Sydney Street, Redcliffe
Transport Arrangements:
Students are requested to find their own transport to and from the pool.
There is no requirement to attend the CBSHS campus at any point on Tuesday.
If students can not organise their own transport to the pool please see Mr Machin in Orion by Friday 2/2/24.

This is a normal school day and attendance is expected.
Food / Water:
There will be a tuckshop available at the pool but students are encouraged to bring their own food and water.
Clothing / Sun Safety:
Students are not required to wear the school uniform on the day (they can do if they chose). Students are instead encouraged to wear house colours.
Full details of what is acceptable to wear will be given in assemblies.
Sunscreen and sun protective clothing is recommended.
Students will need to bring their own towel.