
Alumni - Aroha Liebhart

​​Radio Journalist
CBSHS 2009-2010
Aroha currently works as a radio journalist for Southern Cross Austereo writing and producing bulletins for transmission on Triple M in central Queensland.  She has previously worked as a journalist for the Brisbane Times and Courier Mail as well as presenting a radio show on 4ZZZ.  Aroha holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism and Arts (Political Science) from The University of Queensland.  After leaving school joined she joined the Australian Army as an Officer Cadet and has also travelled overseas working in a variety of different roles.

Aroha attended CBSHS from the second half of Year 11 through to graduation at the end of 2010.  Growing up Aroha attended over twenty schools so after arriving at CBSHS she knew she had an uphill struggle to get her senior certificate.

Quickly realising she didn’t have the right subjects lining up across her senior years to gain the points she needed and feeling motivated she overloaded on classes and worked closely with staff to ensure she walked away with both a strong OP and her senior certificate. The experience taught her to work hard for what you want in life and that nothing is concrete until you’ve given it your all. This type of tenacity, perseverance, and hard work is what got her into the military, working in top restaurants and bars in the UK, and eventually into broadcast media.

The most important thing that she took away from her time at CBSHS was the message that you need to follow the beat of your own drum. Her senior advisor was one of the kindest and most inspirational women she had ever met.  She always had time for anyone and taught Aroha the importance of going after what you want in life. Aroha says it’s important to be ready to be challenged both in class and out and keep your eyes open to every single lesson that’s coming your way.

In her senior year she took part in shave for a cure (for Australian Cancer Research), something that she would never have had the courage to do before attending CBSHS. However, strength and courage gained from her teachers and peers helped her break down barriers in her own mind and create a change in the world that had previously been unreachable to her.

She credits one of our current teachers – Dan Teh and his OP Drama class for teaching her the most during her time at CBSHS. Aroha says like many teenage girls she was quite up-tight, shy, and had self-esteem issues in high-school.  Aroha says Mr Teh’s class taught her to let go of that anxiety, throw fancy to the wind, and just unashamedly be herself, a rule she strongly lives by to this day.

Her best memory from CBSHS would definitely be the senior biology camp, where she had the chance to really get to know her peers, have a little fun and push herself outside of her comfort zone.  It was also an opportunity to make solid friendships through a shared experience.

If Aroha had her time at school again she says she would be kinder, to both herself and her fellow students.  She says she was so determined to make it out the other side with the best skillset possible that she often let the stress get to her. At the end of the day the score on paper isn’t what builds you, but your experiences and your heart. “It’s cheesy, I know, but take the time in high school to really discover who you are, the rest will fall into place in time”.

Aroha’s advice to current CBSHS students is to, “stop being so serious, stop pouring your heart and soul into every little detail of your life, post on social media less, and get out more. You’re going to look back and laugh at the things you cried for days over. Everything is going to work out just fine, if you just learn to breathe a little”.

Last reviewed 28 July 2023
Last updated 28 July 2023