Hospitality focuses on theoretical and practical skills set over a two
year period and skills will also be transferable into the work place.
Students develop an understanding of hospitality and the
structure, scope and operation of related activities in the food
and beverage sector and examine and evaluate industry
practices from the food and beverage sector.
Students develop skills in food and beverage production and
service. They work as individuals and as part of teams to plan and
implement events in a hospitality context.
Events provide opportunities for students to participate in and
produce food and beverage products and perform service for
customers in real-world hospitality contexts
Our kitchen and hospitality area have recently undergone a complete refurbishment. Students now have access to first class facilities including a professional kitchen and professional barista level facilities.
There is also a fully functioning service area which allows our Hospitality students to hold events and functions for both the school and wider community.