At Clontarf Beach State High School, we pride ourselves on our long-standing community involvement and encourage our students and staff to share their time to support these partnerships to help make a difference.
We believe that building strong communities benefits us all. That is why we are proud to be aligned with many organisations within our community.
ANZAC Ceremonies
We hold ANZAC Ceremonies every year for both senior and junior students. We also have a large number of students and teachers who participate in the annual march at Redcliffe each year.
Hope In A Suitcase
Picking up a few extra items at the shops to help bring a smile to a child in need is an easy task for students at Clontarf Beach State High School.
The school is again collecting essential items such as clothes, toiletries, toys, games and books to give to children in foster care.
From now until September, the school will be gathering items to bundle into backpacks and suitcases for the not-for-profit organisation Hope in a Suitcase.

Click here for more details:
Tuckerbox Ministry
Coordinated by our cleaner Rose our cleaning team collects cans, bottles and containers around school. The money received for each container is donated to The Tuckerbox Ministry scheme run by Clontarf Beach Baptist Church.
This scheme provides meals for those in need around the local area. Up to June 2023 we have donated an impressive $5,000 to the charity.
Beyond the Broncos
CBSHS has formed a partnership with the Brisbane Broncos Indigenous Girls' Academy Program to support our indigenous girls achieve their full potential. The Beyond the Broncos Ambassadors Scott Prince and Justin Hodges along with former player Darius Boyd have all delivered personal development workshops to our students.
We also have dedicated onsite staff based in our school to offer weekly support.

Clontarf Beach SHS Beyond the Broncos Girls Academy Student Char'lea Williams was recently presented with a signed portrait of Tyson Smoothy for her involvement in the painting of football boots for the Indigenous Round.
Respect - Commit to it!
CBSHS is part of the a group of thirteen schools based on or near the Redcliffe Peninsula who are working together to promote a shared identity and agreed principle of operations under the 'Respect-Commit to it' banner.

project is about ensuring that schools, parents and the broader
engage in positive ways to allow our future generation to be
productive and respectful contributing members of society.
We want all children to reach their full potential.
As part of the project we have planted a 'Respect' garden in school and been involved in other initiatives to spread the 'Respect-Commit to it' message.

The Respect garden in 2022

Peninsula Animal Aid
As part of our school's ongoing Respect! Commit To It project, students in Care classes L03, L06 and L07 decided to buy pet food for our local animal shelter, Peninsula Animal Aid.
They brought in gold coin donations, and wrote thank you cards during our Care lessons to let the shelter volunteers know we respect the work they do for vulnerable animals in our area.
Mrs Smith and Mrs Beresford had the pleasure of delivering ten boxes of Felix Cat Food to Anne Denton and Anne Carmichael. They were delighted to receive the donation and told us the shelter relies on the generosity of the community to keep the animals fed.

L10 have also sponsored a kennel at the centre and have visited the centre to see the kennel and meet it's inhabitants.
Ocean Crusaders
Our teachers regularly work with local environmental groups to clean up the local waters of Bramble Bay and Moreton Bay.
On one occasion over three tonnes of rubbish was removed from the water and surrounds of Cabbage Tree Creek.
CBSHS also loans its fleet of sit-on-top kayaks to the cause; which on average helps an extra 28 people collect rubbish from our waterways.

Ozcare Visits
As part of the Respect Project - Commit to It program, some of our Year 7-9 students took home made cookies and Christmas cards to the residents of Ozcare in Clontarf.
We hope to make a repeat visit later this year.