Want to know how the human body fights disease or how science is used to solve crimes? Curious about the science associated with scuba diving or passionate about how to sustainably manage marine environments?

Studying science at Clontarf Beach State High School gives students the opportunity to investigate these questions and many more. At Clontarf Beach State High School, students explore a range of engaging and relevant scientific concepts and in doing so develop their scientific knowledge, critical and creative thinking and communication skills.
Our curriculum area encompasses a wide range of science disciplines. In Years 7, 8, 9 and 10 students are introduced to Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Earth Science and Marine Science, allowing students to develop a foundation, explore their interests and gain an appreciation of the relevance of science in everyday life. In Years 11 and 12, students have the opportunity to select from the following science pathways:
Marine Science
Aquatic Practices
Science in Practice
Our science program provides students with a range of learning experiences including practical activities and the use of information and communication technologies (ICT’s). Our facilities, including our innovative Eco Centre with functioning aquaponics system and scientific laboratories, provide a space for students to explore their curiosity for science. Students also have the opportunity to enhance their learning through experiences such as excursions, student experiments and field studies. Additionally, our proximity to Moreton Bay means that our Marine and Aquatic Practices’ students have the opportunity to visit and study this unique marine ecosystem and its’ inhabitants regularly. These opportunities help foster passion and success in these subjects and equip students with a variety of skills which will benefit students beyond school, in both science related careers and non-science industries.

In studying science at Clontarf Beach State High School, students are able to develop necessary scientific knowledge and skills to make informed decisions and contribute to key challenges the world faces both now and in the future.
If you would like further information regarding science at Clontarf Beach State High School, please don’t hesitate to contact our Science Head of Department, Rachel Barrett, on (07) 3480 4777 or