2024 Subject Fees (Year 10-12)
2024 Subject fee Schedule for Years 10-12 Updated 1 August.pdf

Our senior programs offer students a diverse range of academic and vocational pathways through the senior phase of learning. These are focused on ensuring all students are best prepared for life after school. Students are supported to identify learning pathways and select from a suite of subjects that will enable them to achieve success.
Year 10 Subject Offerings
Year 10 Subject Offerings.pdf
Click here to watch a video about Year 10 Subjects:
https://youtu.be/EEsBzLzvBjo External link

Senior Subject Guides
2025 CBSHS Senior Subject Guide V1.0.pdf
2024 CBSHS Senior Subject Guide V1.0.pdf
Our aim is for each student to achieve a Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE), a Vocational Educational Training (VET) qualification and where relevant, access to a tertiary pathway.
To enable this, students are able to study a broad range of subjects appropriate to their career or tertiary pathway. These subjects include:
- General, Applied and Essential subjects as per syllabus documents set out by the Queensland Curriculum Assessment Authority (QCAA).
- Certificate II and III courses delivered on campus.
- School based apprenticeships or traineeships (SATs).
- Technical and Further Education (TAFE) and external Registered Training Organisations (RTO) offerings – Certificate II, III and IV and Diplomas.
- University courses (e.g. University of the Sunshine Coast (USC) – Headstart).
To maximise opportunities for students to achieve success in their desired pathways, subjects are grouped to support this. Students are provided with advice and guidance to carefully select a suite of subjects from these groups that best fit their learning and future needs. This reflects our philosophy of ensuring students are undertaking the right subjects within the right pathways and the valuing of both academic and vocational curriculums.

QCE and QCIA Policy and Procedure Handbook:
https://www.qcaa.qld.edu.au/senior/certificates-and-qualifications/qce-qcia-handbook External link
Tertiary Pathways:
Speak to your relevant Guidance Officer
Hayley Schaefer (PEGASUS AND ORION)
John Sands (ARGO AND LEO)
Telephone - (07) 3480 4777
Australian Defence Force:
https://www.defencejobs.gov.au/ External link
https://www.defence.gov.au/WorkExperience/ External link
Vocational education information: