Junior school curriculum
Clontarf Beach State High School prides itself in developing young people who will “make a difference” in their own and others’ lives. We aim to deliver a differentiated curriculum with a variety of engaging learning experiences and programs underpinned by quality teaching.
We support our students to do their best to be successful, independent learners, confident to embrace challenge and contribute positively to their community. We strive to foster a culture of excellence in teaching and learning.

Nurturing a strong community with a sense of belonging for students, parents and staff is the key to achieving our best results for all students. Our learning pathways focus on our student’s academic, cultural and sporting life coupled with each student’s personal growth and development. We seek to achieve our mission:
To develop students who are confident and capable of making the difference in the wider community as they carve pathways into their future, able to embrace life’s challenges with intelligence, passion and pride: the innovative global citizens of tomorrow.

Junior secondary - Years 7-9
In Years 7-9, the Clontarf Beach SHS Junior Secondary provides a bridge between primary and secondary school that is safe, strong and consistent for all students. Junior Secondary at Clontarf Beach SHS responds to adolescent development and sets high expectations for achieving the best outcomes possible.
Students engage in a challenging curriculum through evidence- based approaches to teaching and learning, while consolidating literacy and numeracy skills. Students sample elective subjects in Year 7 and 8 in preparation for choice in Year 9. We have a strong emphasis on pastoral care via our unique Care Program. Our Years 7 and 8 POD structure ensures students are known to their teachers, individual monitored and with an individual learning plan devised to meet their needs.
From Year 9, our curriculum provides increased opportunities for students to begin to make choices about learning pathways and to deepen their understanding in the core and chosen elective learning areas. Year 9 mirrors aspects of the junior secondary model via some consistent class groupings, like PODs, but introduces elements of the Year 10 structure via contact with more classroom teachers in preparation for the senior years.

Students have the opportunity to take a leadership role via house and school council, and through Junior Leadership positions and programs. Dedicated teachers experienced with teaching young adolescents lead Junior Secondary supported by the Principal, Junior Secondary Deputy Principal and Junior Secondary Transition Coordinator.
How does Clontarf Beach State High School meet the social and emotional needs of Junior Secondary students?
- Establishment of POD teaching- students have a consistent group for their core subjects and two POD teachers who work closely together and get to know their students well.
- Physical teaching space- student have a POD room (home room) but move to specialist areas for different subjects.
- Junior Leadership programs and involvement
- Senior student mentors from within CARE groups
- Enrichment Programs
- Support Services: Two dedicated Guidance Officers, two Chaplains, Indigenous and Pasifika liaison, School Based Health Nurse, School Based Police Officer and Youth Support Coordinator.
- Constant and open communication with parents and care-givers
Parent and community involvement
Parents are encouraged to stay connected with their students' learning when they enter high school. Parent involvement in assemblies, special events, award ceremonies and leadership presentations will be welcomed.
How can parents and the community remain involved in students’ learning?
- Involvement in cultural programs such as the Pasifika Group, Deadly Sistas
- Attending sporting events and carnivals
- Attending and encouraging students to take pride in their work at display events
- Involvement in special events and awards ceremonies
- Involvement in leadership programs and presentations
- Stay informed by downloading the Schoolzine app
- Downloading and joining QParents online for easier access to reports, and other communication information
- Regularly visiting the school website
- Join our newsletter to receive via email
- Take part in parent forums hosted by Principal Cath Pfingst
Contact us
If you have any questions or would like more information about Junior Secondary at Clontarf Beach State High School, please don’t hesitate to contact Mrs Rebekah Power, Deputy Principal or Mrs Bel Edwards, HOD Student Engagement on (07) 480 4777.