
School photo day


School Photography Date: 22/02/2022

Catch Up Day:  21/03/2022

Students are to be in full school uniform, with Year 10, 11 and 12 students required to be in Formal uniform as normal on a Tuesday.

Group and portrait photographs can be purchased by following the link below or by returning the order envelope with your payment to our photographer on school photo day.

advancedlife now offers Latitude Pay! To take advantage of LatitudePay and split the cost of your order into 10 small easy payments, simply order your school photos online as usual, set up a Latitude Pay account in just a few clicks and pay no interest or fees when you pay according to your payment schedule; it's that easy.

3 easy ways to purchase:

  1. LatitudePay – Click on the link below, set up an account during the online order process and split your payments across 10 weeks with no interest or fees, if you pay on time
  2. Visa, MasterCard or PayPal
  3. Cash – complete the envelope supplied and return it to our photographer on photo day

Or visit: External link
And enter online order code: ZQE RCW W3R

School photography information:

  • Online orders - do not require an envelope returned to your school
  • Late fees - a late fee will be applied to each package purchased after photo day due to the additional cost of producing these packages separately
  • Package delivery - photographic packages will be returned to your school for distribution approximately six weeks after photos are taken
  • Previous Years' photos - Past years' photographs including sports, co-curricular and representative groups are also available to order under the “previous years or group photo" tabs at your school's advancedorder site when you click on the “Order School Photos Here" button above. You can also order past packages, portrait images and gifts from your child's unique, individual and secure advancedyou image archive site using the unique 9 digit image code found on packages you have ordered in the past

advancedlife would like to express our appreciation to Clontarf Beach State High School for placing your trust in us. Please remember we offer a 100% money back guarantee on our products to ensure your peace of mind. We would also love to receive your feedback or resolve any issues you may experience as fast as possible, to ensure your satisfaction. If you have any questions, comments or feedback relating to your advancedlife experience please contact us at: External link

For more information click here:


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Last reviewed 08 March 2022
Last updated 08 March 2022