Do you have a student currently in Year 10, 11 or 12 possibly interested in a trade career and wanting to leave school with a pre-apprenticeship course completed? CBSHS is about to start a Certificate II in Automotive Vocational Preparation course run here onsite through our partnership RTO Tactile Learning. It can be a stepping stone towards careers in Automotive Mechanics including Heavy and Light Vehicle, Marine, Motorcycle or Racing; could be used for personal knowledge for car hobbies or basic maintenance and servicing of your own vehicle in the future; or as an alternative subject pathway instead of typical school subjects. There are very limited places still remaining.
- It will run every Wednesday all day and will be a mix of online theory and onsite practical (yes, working on our donated car)
- Duration is one semester – starting Week 2 Term 3 and finishing in November (so Year 12s can enrol and perfect for Year 10s looking to exit school at the end of this year)
- Students cannot participate if already enrolled in Cert III Fitness, Cert III Health Services Assistance, or an external certificate such as a traineeship or TAFE course; or if they have previously used their VETiS funding
- Students gain 4 QCE points if they successfully complete the course as well as the completion of the pre-vocational course for a mechanical apprenticeship
- The students will use their one off access to VETiS funding making this course free of charge
Please contact Bel Smith, Industry Liaison Officer, ASAP on or ask your student to visit the Pathways Office in F05 for more information.
For more information click here:
Cert II Automotive CBSHS (1).pdf