
Compass is one of two online platforms that parents use to interact with our school.
Click here for information on how to use Compass:
Click the link on the right for QParents information.
Naplan Information
Parent/community social media guidelines
Student code of conduct
Our student code of conduct is available here
Cyberbullying guidelines
Spark their future
Spark their future is a resource for
parents of teenagers who are struggling to stay engaged in school or

SRS fees 2024
2024 Breakdown of Government Cheque SRS Expenditure.pdf
Fees for 2024 will be:
Years 7-10 $230.00
Years 11-12 $250.00
Year 10's and upwards will also incur some subject fees depending on what subjects have been selected.
Subject fees Year 10-12
The Queensland Government supports students' education by providing funding for:
- Instruction, e.g. teachers
- Facilities, e.g. buildings, amenities, furniture
- Administration, e.g. staffing and resources to administer the operations of the school.
Funding does not extend to individual student resources such as textbooks, computer or musical equipment for personal use, and many items used/consumed by the student in the classroom. Supply of these items is the responsibility of parents.
To provide parents with a cost effective alternative to purchasing textbooks and/or resources individually, Clontarf Beach State High School operates a Student Resource Scheme (SRS).
The scheme ensures that students have the resources required for them to engage with the curriculum and saves parents time and money in sourcing these materials elsewhere. Savings are gained through the school's bulk purchasing practices and hiring arrangements. The scheme is not used to raise funds for other purposes, and revenue collected through the scheme is applied only to it's resources and operation.
Type of Resources provided
Generally, the three types of resources are:
- Owned – these items are retained by the student and used as required (e.g. stationery, exercise books, diary).
- Used – these items are used/consumed in class by the student (e.g. industry technology/cooking/art supplies). Work/items produced from these resources will remain the property of the student.
- Hired – these items are hired to the student for their personal use for a specific period of time (e.g. textbooks, musical instruments, laptops). Hired items must be returned to the school in good condition at the end of the hire period or if the student leaves the school. A repair or replacement cost may be charged to the parent for any hired items that are damaged or not returned.
All parents / guardians must complete the below form, this covers the duration of the period of schooling.
In summary, the scheme provides the following resources to students:
- All printed class notes, booklets and worksheets
- Access to textbooks when required. For some subjects access to textbooks can be digital, or online.
- Resource materials and equipment used in subject areas, for example, texts that form part of class sets and departmental resource collections that are supplied for use by students to supplement their principle texts.
- In the junior secondary, the provision of hospitality foods for cooking, materials used in the manual arts and arts areas, depending on the subjects chosen.
- Basic consumable materials for all subject areas. However, in Years 10 – 12 there are additional charges for some specific areas of studies that provide and require significant consumable resources. (Refer to the list of subject charges below). Students who are required to pay these charges will be issued with a separate invoice requesting payment.
- School ID card
- Subscriptions to various subject competitions.
- Learning activities/excursions (e.g. swimming pool charges,) and subsidy for mandatory camps (e.g. Biology, Recreation Studies). (Refer to the curriculum guides for information about each particular subject and the activities that are covered).
- Attendance at sport, including bus costs (This does not involve participation at District / Regional level competitions).
- Administrative costs to run the SRS Scheme.
- In addition to the SRS scheme fees outlined above from parents, the school receives, on behalf of parents, a textbook allowance from the state government.
A copy of this form is also available from the school office.
Any amendment to participation in the SRS scheme must be made in writing using this form.
School refund policy
Refund Policy.docx